Storm Child
May 2, 2024

Book Review

Storm Child

reviewed by Carolyn Scott


When Cyrus Haven first met Evie Cormac she was a damaged and troubled teenager who had been through horrific childhood trauma. Found at the age of twelve hiding in a house with the body of a murdered man, she had been raped and abused repeatedly by pedophiles.

After being rescued, she wasn’t able to cope with a foster home and so was placed in a secure children’s unit under a new name to protect her from those who want her dead for what she knows about them.

After her release from the unit, forensic psychologist Cyrus took her under his wing and taught her how to navigate the world while she finishes growing up. Now at twenty two, she lodges in Cyrus’ house in Nottingham and has made great progress, finishing school and working part time at an animal shelter. She still suffers from PTSD and has never been able to tell Cyrus much about her childhood or how she came to the UK from Albania.

Cyrus has talked Evie into joining him for a few days at Cleethorpes Beach in Lincolnshire, even though she can’t swim. As they are relaxing and eating ice cream, bodies start to wash up on the beach. Seventeen refugees died trying to make their way from France to the UK in a boat that has been deliberately hit and sunk. Two women are still missing and only a young boy has been found alive, clinging to some wreckage. The sight of the bodies throws Evie into a state of extreme shock, triggering her to start remembering the past she thought was long buried.

Evie’s memories of her childhood how she came to be on a boat seeking refuge in the UK with her mother and sister lead her and Cyrus to travel to Scotland for answers. In particular answers about a man Evie has recognized from her journey, one who may still be involved in present day trafficking. Cyrus knows it’s important for Evie to find out as much as she can about her past if she is to heal and move on with her life. What they find is a dark and evil network of power and privilege and little regard for the lives of helpless people. But there is also a surprise revelation in store for Evie which will give her some closure and makes for a very pleasing ending.

Well paced with a slow tension filled build to a gripping climax, this is a terrific addition to the series. Although this could be enjoyed as a stand-alone, the series really deserves to be enjoyed from the beginning to understand the background and the relationship between Evie and Cyrus. A totally engrossing and captivating read from a master storyteller.

With thanks to Hachette Australia & NZ via Netgalley for a copy to read.

Storm Child is available at:

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