Noir Thriller The Witch Hunter

Oct. 26, 2020


The Witch Hunter

Max Seeck

reviewed by Chris Carroll

AMidlifeWife | Goodreads

It’s intriguing to read what comes out of the minds of authors today, especially in the mystery and suspense genre. This book is completely unique in the plot and definitely worth checking out. Whether you believe in witches or not, the story is one that will grab you and give you the creeps.

Set in Finland, the story is a twisty-cop-fiction murder mystery with a ton of suspense. The location and timing of the crimes enhance the story, especially since the author really gets the reader’s imagination in play with descriptions and settings.

From the very first chapter readers will be completely sucked into the story, while the author gives smidgens of information, drip by drip. Iintricate detail and surprising twists will keep readers at the edge of their seat. The crimes and murders are shocking and seemingly random, but yet slowly, tiny threads started coming together. And soon the random crimes don’t seem so random, especially when the murderer is one step ahead of the police at every turn.

Seeck has crafted a stunning and creepy suspense thriller in this crime ridden, raw, and sometimes a bit gory novel. He managed to surprise me multiple times in the story, making me a bit uncomfortable especially when reading late at night. That to me is the mark of an accomplished storyteller.

This is the first book from this author and one that is not only memorable but one you will want to read again, just so you can get all of the nuances and detail you may have missed the first time.

The Witch Hunter is completely unique with a very special twist that will grab the reader and hold onto them throughout the entire story. An excellent choice for lovers of crime, cop fiction, mystery, suspense, and thrillers. Seeck is one new author that you will want to keep on your radar.

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