Mystery and Suspense Books

Gail Byrd

For the past four years Gail reported being blissfully retired. Of course, retirement didn’t prevent her working as a Standardized Patient for the local medical school as well as performing on stage and in occasional short films until 2020. Prior to retirement, she worked as a vocational expert assessing and counseling physically disabled individuals seeking a return to competitive employment while also performing at local and regional theaters. In her spare time, she has participated in several writing contests and the month-long writing program called NANOWRIMO, with the goal of writing a novel of 50,000 words or more in the month of November. That novel now lives in the bottom drawer of her desk, never again to see the light of day. Through it all, she has always been an avid reader. She began with mysteries, reading all the young adult mysteries available by the time she completed the second grade. She quickly graduated to classic mysteries by Agatha Christie, Rex Stout and then Dorothy Sayers. Later she branched out to some biographies, poetry, classic literature, and books on death and dying; but mysteries remain her primary interest. When she isn’t reading she loves exercising her creative side inventing new recipes in the kitchen and performing with a group of actors from around the world via Zoom in a weekly dramatic reading of new works.

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