The victim has been perfectly preserved

Pam Guynn
Pam has been reading since she was able to hold books open. Throughout the early years, she mainly read mysteries, classics, science fiction and historical biographies. In a business career ranging from accountant to customer service manager to quality manager to various levels of information technology and systems management she absorbed technical tomes. Today her reading preferences are diversifying continually as so many gifted writers find outlets for their work. Among Pam’s favorite fiction genres are mysteries, thrillers, suspense, fantasy, paranormal, historical fiction and science fiction including most subgenres of these. Nonfiction favorite subjects include native gardening for pollinators, history, nature and genealogy. In 2019 she decided to start sharing her thoughts on the books she reads in the hopes that others will discover books that excite and appeal to them. When she’s not reading, Pam and her husband enjoy birdwatching, hiking, gardening, and moth and butterfly photography.
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